Set in 1951 during McCarthy’s witch hunt investigation, Frank Darabont’s The Majestic offers many treats for the cinephiles. In the beginning of the film, the main character intoduces himself to the audience while looking at the poster of John Huston’s The African Queen (1951).
Entering inside the old Majestic building, a ripped poster of Frank Capra’s It’s a Wonderful Life (1946) is visible.
Right before re-opening, the staff watches the first film that screened in the Majestic in 1925, King Vidor’s The Big Parade (1925).
The first night of the new Majestic. Poster of Roy Del Ruth’s On Moonlight Bay (1951).
Poster of Vincente Minnelli’s An American in Paris (1951).
Poster and marquee for Elia Kazan’s A Streetcar Named Desire (1951).
Sci-fi time. Robert Wise’s The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951) captures the viewers…
… who can’t see what’s happening behind the screen.
At the end, a poster of Don Siegel’s Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956) works as a metaphor for the McCarthy policies which described in the film.
Scenes from Frank Darabont’s The Majestic (2001).